When I first started with pastels, I bought the most affordable paper and pastels I could find. This is good if you are just starting out, especially while you are still getting to know the medium. However, it is important to keep in mind that cheaper alternatives or non-professional grade materials has its own limitations. It can keep you from getting the best results you can achieve. In this blog, I have listed tips on how to choose the right materials for you and improve your technique as a pastelist.

I found from research and experience that pastels need a surface to adhere to, a “toothy” surface, if you would like. I initially used 300gsm watercolour paper and this did not let me create the amount of detail I preferred for pet portraits. I would recommend getting your hands on surfaces that are made for pastels. Art Spectrum Colourfix Pastel Paper and Clairefontaine Pastelmat, I found are easiest to get locally in WA.


The jump from student grade pastels to professional grade pastels really pay off (despite the daunting price tag difference!). Refer to the blog, “Which pastel for you?” by Charmaine Thaine as a roadmap of soft pastels if you want to invest on the right ones for you.
Colour Organisation

Another technique I found that really helped me was to organise my pastels by colour – hue, chroma, and tone. This will help you in the process of painting by limiting the interruptions on your creative flow. You will know exactly where to pick up the colour you want. 


Any art form you are trying to get into will involve trial and error. Art does not necessarily have rules but theories exist for a reason. Have you ever looked at a painting and thought, something seemed off, especially human portraits? That’s because throughout time, humans have evolved to perceive faces and we all have a preconceived notion of what that’s supposed to look like. This, also, applies to most things in nature – trees and mountains in landscape painting, for example. All unique, but at the same time, all alike and follow a pattern.
As a beginner, it is important to plan your artwork before starting on your final surface to improve accuracy (if that is what you are going for). Planning your artwork also ensures you get the dimensions right and you are able to fit everything you are planning to draw within the surface. If you are still developing your drawing skills, using grids on your reference photos help a lot with accuracy and getting the proportions right.
Building a community of like-minded people

Attending workshops and demos are also a brilliant way to learn new techniques within your community. PSWA offers excellent workshops and demos so keep your eye out for events going on!

I have found that attending painting sessions with like-minded people can help with the social and learning aspect of creating art. PSWA have painting sessions every Monday night and Wednesday afternoon. Our more experienced members attend these sessions as well and are more than happy to offer your tips and tricks!

Watching tutorials on various platforms definitely helped me as well.
Staff from local art stores are also very knowledgeable so don’t hesitate to ask for help! I don’t think I’ve asked a question they couldn’t answer regarding the materials I am thinking of adding to my collection.

Getting the right surfaces and pastels and learning the basic techniques can drastically aid in improving your artwork.

Preserving your artwork

Pastel paintings are best preserved framed, behind glass, in my opinion. I have used fixatives before, but it has the tendency to change to colour of your painting. It made my highlights darker, even after the fixative has dried. I understand that it may not be feasible to frame all of your artwork. For storage, I carefully wrap mine in glassine and keep it between acid-free foam boards and store in a dry, cool, and dark place.

Written by Franchezka Carungcong for Pastel Society of WA June, 2024

*No brand affiliations to declare


Aidan Montague

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