Welcome to a new year of pals, pastels and painting.
2014 looks like being a very good year. Unlike last year, we start with a decent
bank balance even though our exhibition didn’t manage to attract as many buyers
as we had hoped. This is due to the generosity and fantastic work that all
members did to reduce the expenses. In addition, Rayma has added to our
coffers with her raffles and unframed sales.
The committee is already investigating the possibility of returning to Sorrento for
our next exhibition because the parking and accessibility is so much better. So
we may have some news when we have our AGM. This is on the 24th February,
our third meeting. The next Monday is a public holiday. The first two meetings
we’d like everyone to have paid their subs, preferably by internet banking (all
details in this newsletter) and then we can make up our membership list and keep
in touch with you all.
Please come to the AGM. If you want to keep our society as active, productive
and happy as it has been, you need to be there. We understand that you can’t
always come to our regular meetings – some live a long way away and some
have other commitments – but come when you can and contribute your ideas,
needs and suggestions via email so we can make the new 2014 programme one
that has something for everyone.
Yours in friendship and pastel dust,
Anne Rice, President.