Message from the President
Very Best Wishes for 2016 to all!
Looking back over 2015, it has been a good year for our society. We began the year with our finances in reasonably good order with a small cash surplus, and with our membership in the nineties. We ended the year with well over 120 members, many being part of our new south-of-the-river group at Attwell, led by Deb Weber. It was good to see many new members at our Christmas Party and, as you will see from this newsletter, it was a great night and a successful and happy end to our year.
What is now becoming an annual event in May – the Unframed Exhibition and Sale at the Floreat Forum – again proved popular with the general public, and added much-needed dollars to our finances. Many thanks to our tireless Vice President Rayma and her many helpers that made the day such a success. A reminder to start thinking now of some artwork for this year’s event! Once again, it will be held on the Saturday before Mother’s Day, at the Floreat Forum.
Our highlight event, the Annual Exhibition and Sale at Sorrento went off without a hitch, thanks to the wonderful contributions from the Committee and all members who participated. Once, again, it was an exhibition that stood out for the outstanding quality of the paintings and the quality of the display and organisation. This event truly reflects the supportive culture that has come to typify the PSWA, something that all of you should be very proud of indeed! This year’s Annual Exhibition will be held at Sorrento, on the weekend of the 20th 21st August – another one for the diary.
Your committee has already been working towards making 2016 an eventful year for members. All preparations are now well in hand for the visit from Stan Sperlak in March, with venues organised for the workshops and pre-workshop tutorial, and a Monday demonstration by Stan for all members on 29th February.
So put it in your diary now for this not-to-be-missed evening! Those of you who are participating in these workshops will find an important update later in this newsletter. We do have a few places left – but they are filling quickly.
A very big thank you to my close colleagues and friends who have worked tirelessly over the year to organise events, manage emails, finances and newsletters, and to all of you for your support and assistance. Let’s look forward together to a year of successful artistic endeavours, and with much warmth and laughter.
Yours in art,