Message from the President
The last few months have been eventful for both the Pastel Society and on a personal level.
Firstly, I sincerely thank all those who stepped in and covered for me in my absence initially overseas and then through my recuperation from spinal surgery. It is such a joy to belong to this society and know that so many are willing to help when needed.
I was sad to miss seeing our annual exhibition in August but I heard from many sources that the display of work was fantastic and as usual of a very high standard throughout. Congratulations to those who won awards and the members who had sales (not easy in this current economic climate). It’s important to still keep putting our artwork out in the public arena even though sales might be hard won!
It was fantastic to see some of the interesting work, photos and other material that members brought back from the Pastel Expo held last month in Queensland. Thank you to the informative presentation you gave us. I’m sure it’s made most of us wish we could have gone too and we’ll be saving up for the next time.
The year is coming quickly towards our annual break but there is still the Christmas party to look forward to (see dates in this newsletter).
We are already planning some exciting workshops for next year, taking advantage of contacts our Vice President Rayma made at the Expo.
Thanking you all for your kind thoughts and wishing you happy pastelling.
Val Brooks,
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Pastel Society of WA Newsletter Oct 2018