Message from the President Pastel Society Annual Exhibition Congratulations to all the artists who submitted paintings for our annual exhibition. It was our biggest yet with 64 artists,163 paintings (42 of which were 9” x 5” ) and 48 sales of just over $1500 in the 3 days.
Although we were unable to set up the surf club until 8 30pm on the Thursday we had so many willing helpers that it was done in record time! Friday was busy with hanging the paintings, the judging and Alison Dowley did a very professional job of photographing the artwork.
We were very fortunate to have WA artist Brendan Derby as our special guest to open the exhibition and he said he was very impressed by the high standard of the work, which was great to hear from such an accomplished artist. Awards were announced and the crowd created a great opening night atmosphere.
The weather was kind over the weekend and a constant stream of visitors kept the sales coming in. Leanna Taylor’s door prize painting raised a record sum of approximately $1800 and the artists’ demonstrations attracted plenty of interest.
Well done and huge thanks to everyone involved. Without all our willing helpers this exhibition would not happen. Special thanks to the committee members for all their hard work before and during the exhibition
Val Brooks
See Full Newsletter.
Pastel Society of Western Australia Newsletter September 2017