Message from the President

Happy New Year to all! I wish each of you has a healthy and successful painting year!

After a successful 2014, we start the New Year with a reasonably healthy bank balance to take us forward to new events in 2015. A huge thank you is due to our Vice President Rayma who worked constantly throughout the year to organise the Unframed Sale, numerous raffles and of course our Annual Exhibition. Being a small society, every little bit counts and your contributions have been very important. The sales of your unframed paintings and raffle contributions, for example, brought in almost $1000.00 last year, a very useful addition to our finances. Our Christmas Party provided a very happy and joyful ending to the year, and was the largest ever, with over 60 people attending. Our website has been improved and now presents a clean and professional face to the public. I would encourage those of you who aren’t represented in the web gallery to think about choosing three of your best paintings to exhibit here.

Your committee has already begun work, and our exhibition will be held at Sorrento again, on 21 – 23 August. This year we have been careful to choose dates that hopefully do not conflict with exhibitions of other art societies. And don’t forget the Unframed Sale at Floreat Forum on Saturday 9th May (the day before Mother’s Day). Definitely time to dust off the pastels, if you haven’t already, and join us on Monday evenings.

More immediately – an important event is coming up for all members – the AGM on the 16th February! It is important that as many members as possible attend, and it is your opportunity to input your ideas and have your say about what you would like for the society for 2015. It is also an opportunity to nominate someone for office, or for the committee. Why not “kill two birds with one stone” and pay your membership dues at the same time! These are due in February and it does help us if dues are paid as soon as possible. You will find renewal forms with bank details (if using direct debit) and nomination forms in this newsletter, as well as some important dates for this year.

Happy Painting!
Adrianne Kinnear

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Pastel Society of Western Australia Newsletter January 2015


Dameon Jamie

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