Message from the President
It is hard to believe that a year has passed already, but what a successful year it has been for our Pastel Society, with increased membership, reasonably sound finances and a wonderful, high quality Exhibition at Sorrento. Many congratulations to those who took off Awards on the night and thank you to all the members who contributed their art to make the exhibition one of such high quality. As many of you know, I was unable tocontribute ‘on the day’ so it is with more gratitude than usual, that I wish to say a huge Thank You to all the wonderful members who contributed tirelessly to make sure things ran smoothly and that our art was presented in such a quality environment. To Rayma and Lee for their tireless leadership and organisation, to Celestine and Bruno for their continued vehicle support, to the setup, front desks and ‘behind the scene’ teams, to Clive Jarman for the important technical and welding expertise, all of you are outstanding and generous people who continue to make this society one of the most rewarding to be a part of. I have experienced many working groups over the years, so I feel I can say with assurance, that the Pastel Society is quite unique in the generosity of spirit that pervades our group, and the willingness of you all to continually put up your hands throughout the year to work towards common goals. I feel very privileged to be part of it all.
We will finish the year with our usual Christmas Party (details in this newsletter) so please attend if you can as it is a great, fun night and an opportunity to end the year on an informal and very friendly high! This will be the society’s final event for the year. We will resume our Monday meetings when the school term commences on Monday, February 2nd, 2015. To our new members who have joined us in the last months of this year – please come and join us in the new year to meet us all and paint together.
To all members, on behalf of all of us on the committee, thank you for your contributions this year, have a very Happy Christmas, and a safe and successful New Year!
Happy Painting in 2015,
Pastel Society of Western Australia Newsletter November 2014